Friday, 18 October 2013

SHAKE-UP: McKechnie & Yakubowski Awaiting Trades

The Lethbridge Hurricanes announced Friday that veteran Forwards Jaimen Yakubowski and Sam McKechnie are no longer with the club.

“Both players through their agents and families have requested a trade, so we have sent the players home to wait for a deal to be done” stated Lethbridge Hurricanes General Manager Brad Robson.

Yakubowski and McKechnie were both drafted by the Hurricanes in the 2009 Bantam Draft and both had their best seasons in 2012-2013. In 66 games last season, Yakubowski registered 50 points (32G, 18A) while McKechnie put up 43 points (26G, 17A) in 72 games.

As a team, the Hurricanes have struggled out of the gates with a record of just 1-9-0-1 and both veteran forwards have also struggled offensively, combining for just 4 points.

(From the Lethbridge Hurricanes)



  1. What a joke. Drake is more concerned about his career than any of these kids.
    This coach is messing with these kids careers and minds.
    Where are the pictures of the kids on the whl website? Is this another great motivation tactic from our head coach? Only team in the W.
    How many other kids are going to want out? Dukes draft status is going down the tubes.
    Step up Brad, take over the team and find replacements before more kids want out.
    Guess we got Wong that he can single out, put on a pedestal and create a tight knit group.
    Love to see what the walk-ups are going to be the rest of the season.
    Didn’t Fred rave about Sam and the type of character kid he was? Must tell you something. I don’t think they left just because we are losing.
    Long Run

  2. Duke's draft status? Not all of these players failures to step up can be placed on the coach. If you put a player like Brayden Point out there under the same circumstances as Duke, I guarantee he'd have more than 2 assists. And putting Wong on a pedestal? Who else should be put on one? He lost 20 pounds coming into this season, works his butt off in both ends, and has been putting points on the board. Not sure why 'long run" felt the need to call out 1 player who has been nothing but positive and a hard worker even despite only playing about 6 shifts per game (unless he was a healthy scratch) all last season!

    1. Great kid with pro potential. TON of respect for him and he did great at the end of last season if you remember.

      It’s about the coaches and their motivational tactics. Clearly their coaching and comments are creating a tight knit winning group! Win and loss as team? Accountability from top to bottom? Sure
      Long Run

  3. I know Sam and Jaimen, both are strong character kids and loved by their teammates. I remember when Sam was a rookie how his sense of humour really came out after Christmas. I don't view this as quitting on the team, Sam was a healthy scratch last game, why would he want to stay on a losing team where he is being, in his mind, disrespected by the coaches. I hope they both have success wherever they end up, and I hope a trade can be finalized sooner rather than later for both parties sake.
    Am I the only one here not surprised by this poor start? We hired a coach who has never coached kids, and never watched a WHL game live before this season. There were a lot better coaching options around the league. Another bad decision by this board. Wake up, this city deserves better.
    Disgruntled Fan

    1. I would agree with the your comment about "better coaching options around the league". SURELY there was an assistant with another club who deserved a shot at head coach. I was willing to give Berehowsky a chance, but I've already given up on him since I've watched his "systems" of "off the glass and out" bs. He didn't have the credentials to be hired and is proving it right now. This is on him and Robson. As for the walk-up tickets........I won't be buying even one this year. There's lots of other ways to spend my money.

      Empty Net

  4. Fire this coach he is not ready for this level!!! Last pre game radio he stated on the radio that they have debates with players and then take the time to point out or explain to them how they are wrong! This does not sound like someone who has worked with young men. If want your teen son to turn on you real quick tell them they are wrong everytime. These two great young players felt it was in there best interest to move on and now you can bet it will snowball. Not to mention how hard will it be to attract new players, fans who pay money to watch a lose or a local busniess who wants to spend there advertising dollars with no fans to see there ads. Fire this coach, try and move up the assistant anything is better than this mess. Forehand Backhand in.

  5. All I can say is I hope they have back-up plans because there hockey days maybe over. We can blame anyone in the world for the problems but at the end of the day it is these kids that see themselves when they look in the mirror. If everyone one of these kids can look in the mirror and say I gave 100% everynight then they can hold there heads high. I for one do not think these 2 players can do that, so I say good luck. Now for the players that are still here. Whether you like the coaches or not it is up to you to play at 100%. If you want more playing time prove it!!! Take off your little girl panties, put on your jock and hockey pants and lets go play hockey. Be proud of who you are and be happy when you look in the mirror it is YOUR CHOICE. The whole thing with the GM, New Head Coach is rather funny. I did some research, talked to some hockey and sports people and then e-mailed 4 names of highly touted western canadian bantam coaches for them to consider. I then got an email back saying can you please get them to send in their resumee's. My next thought was is that not your jobs (BOD). We now have a GM that was a police officer, then the head scout and now I think his son is the head scout. As long as this BOD keeps making bad choices when hiring this team will always be in trouble. KAOS

    1. What a ridiculous paragraph. Get a grip. It's more than about "giving 100%". It's about learning what the coaches are teaching. If that isn't working, then the coaches need to change the game plan. GM Robson is wearing a Stanley Cup ring from his days working with Ken Hitchcock and the Dallas Stars, so you need to rethink your dumb comments. (Why do you think the BOD should be out looking for resume's from Bantam coaches? They ALSO don't have any WHL experience!)

      Empty Net

  6. Kaos...I will say it again...fundamentally nothing has changed from last year ... a team that was in playoff contention until Johnston went down. A coach should be able to raise the level of play of all players and so far he has raised the play of one Wong.....teaching kids is not the same as coaching and with that he has one year of ECHL experience. Yakabowski and McKenchie are two quality respectful young men. There are no character issues. They have been completely mishandled and Robson knows it. LthHnds

  7. You talk as though being in contention until Johnston went down is some sort of impressive thing. It is embarrassing that fans are trying to point to that as a positive because everything else about this team the last 4 years has been a joke.

    I have 0 blame for these kids for wanting out. They can look at themselves proudly in the mirror and should have 0 regrets about this decision.

    Hopefully more kids will stand up and do what's right and perhaps the board may finally see that what they are doing is ruining WHL hockey in the city.

    1. The point was anonymous although the team was a borderline playoff team for most of the year it wasn't the worst team in the league by far and it is essentially the same team with young guys like Pilon Duke Wong. Hackman Laurencelle all with a year of experience under their belt. Its not like the team lost a 50 goal scorer or 3 or 4 pro like players like some teams in the league this year and are still doing well....Look at Saskatoon! and what they lost. There is no major change except behind the bench. I didn't pay my money to see the team dismantled I paid to see it developed. LthHnds

  8. Not accusing anyone, just asking questions!
    There is always the cry for mass firings when things go astray with this club. It all boils down to all of us wanting the team to be successful and win. It has been a long time coming. But unless we have total and accurate knowledge of what exactly has preceded the events of today, then all becomes rumors or speculation. The only fact is Yakubowski and McKechnie asked to be traded. Usually when players asked to be traded, it is because they do not like how they are being treated which includes ice time. Were they unhappy with the coaching staff's concept of everyone has to earn their spots on the club, and thus any rights of entitlement are gone? Did Preston make promises to these two that the new coaching staff had no intention of honoring? Who knows? Were both players complaining and whining in the dressing room and therefore a negative factor? Who knows? I am not suggesting they were, but there is the possibility of it happening. Are Jamien and Sam looking out for themselves and therefore tossing their teammates under the bus? Who knows? We don't.

    Jamien tweeted "We are not quitters, I hope nobody thinks we are" . I wonder how your former teammates would react to that. I know how they reacted when Spencer Galbraith left the team.

    Both Sam and Jamien are good players, they showed that last year when they were free to wheel and deal on their own. They will flourish elsewhere. When they do, the cries for the heads of the coaches and GM will echo loudly again.

    As for the comments about the GM being a police officer, true he was but he was also a long time highly thought of scout for the Minnesota and Dallas Stars.

    As for Drake our head coach, he has coached (assistant) in the CHL, but maybe he needs to look at his systems and modify them to suit the players he has. As for the GM, the pressure is squarely on his shoulders to get scoring, size and toughness back in exchange for the two players that did ask to be traded. Nothing less will be considered a failure.

    Like the rest of the contributors, I too long for a winning playoff bound team.

    Dump'n Chase

    1. my thought exactly, we don't know whats going on in the dressing room, on the ice or the chemistry of the team in general.coaching gm players who's to this point ship out the ones who don't want to be here and TRY to get some players that maybe fit the new canes style of hockey and move on..the one thing that is a bit of a head shaker is the lack of communication between everyone involved when it gets to this point.. walkin out/ sent home doesn't matter, all that does is create an impossible out come for a fair trade with other teams..why not sit down In private say thing are not working and try to get the best result for both parties involved..either the two canes pick up their net and when home like children or robson couldn't handle the rejection and kick back..either way POORLY handled......bob

    2. I agree Bob. Poorly handled.

  9. The problem will be who wants them and for what. I am sorry but neither is a superstar. No matter what they say they walked away and did quit on their teamates. Tbey may find a fit in this league but I doubt the CANES will get much if anything in return. All these high end players some of you talk about sure are not putting up points. 2 players with more than 50 points is not high end. Portland had 2 with 120 and 1 with about 110 on 1 line. Thats high end. The playes we have drafted are decent but not high end so blame this on the scoutng in the last 4 years. Think of it this way. I am an average to better then average golfer compared to most guys my age that I golf with. If I hire the best coaches in the world will I be a high end golfer . I do not think so because I am not talented enough no matter who is coach. KAOS

    1. It was clear the coach did not appreciate these players or respect their previous contributions and potential to contribute in the future. So the boys asked to be traded. They didn't quit on their team mates. They didn't walk out, they were thrown out for just asking. The coach and GM sent them home, completing the disrespect already shown. Many players in the past have requested a trade from their team for a variety of reasons. The typical response from responsible coaching staffs is to work a trade if they can. We had that going on last year and the year before. Sending them home is a stupid thing to do. It hurts the boys, it hurts the team (because their trade value is diminished) and it demoralizes the rest of the team because the culture of disrespect is intensified and the remaining player realize they have no honourable way out. Trades apparently cannot ever be requested or discussed. This coaching and management staff are really really really bad at what they are doing.

      Bubba Gump

    2. its not any different then galbraith last year and where is he now.......depending on who sent who home, it never the same if you return........bob......

    3. Further KAOS the same guy that's now running (ruining) this team is the guy who drafted the very players he's now kicked down the road. These were the top players on a very poor team. Are we going to be able to trade them for the top players on the top team in the league? No. Are we even going to be able to trade them for players with the same proven abilities? Not likely. Are we now in an unholy mess? Yes. Will any compassionate coach in the league want to send any player on his team that he respects into this cesspool? I hope not.

      Bubba Gump

    4. You know what Bob, wherever Galbraith is, he's counting his blessings that he's not in Lethbridge. And Galbraith did up and quit the team. We don't know why. Sam and Jaimen asked to be traded and were tossed off the team for it. That is a completely different scenario.

      Bubba Gump

    5. see this is what im talking about Bubba Gump, I don't know what happened with the leaving of these two players ...if and I say if robson acted like a two year old them the blame is all in his corner....again IF.....bob....

    6. Sure, you can look at it from your perspective. Sure, they could've played it out, but why would you keep players who don't want to be there? A lot can go wrong with that, a lot can go wrong with how things were handled. But keeping people who don't want to be there makes people miserable. Being miserable, much like many other emotions, spreads to the surrounding people. In a locker room, it's going to spread fast. All you need is one negative person to bring the entire atmosphere and morale down.

  10. Are you going to say the same thing when Duke and Pilon want out? Will they send them home or play it out until they get a trade? Are they going to treat those Kids different because of who they are? Make an example of them? Or were Sam and Yak fall guys so they don’t? How long do you think Duke is going to stay if this continues? Is Phelps coming?
    Lot of questions
    Long Run

  11. Wow, it's amazing to see how quickly our community is willing to throw others under the bus, surely a poor sight to see. Sam and Jaimen's situation aside, can we note that this entire process is new and different for everyone involved? THE ENTIRE COACHING STAFF CHANGED. It's going to take some time for players to adjust; a winning culture doesn't just happen overnight, and it doesn't happen in the first 11 games of a 72 game season. Sure, it's a poor start, but get real here, no one said it's going to be easy.

    It's also amazing how many "coaches" we have out there when a team does poorly, where are you when a team does well? Absent. Hidden behind your keyboards because you don't have something good to say, you sit there anxiously awaiting your chance to rip someone to shreds. Get your head out of your a**, a team always needs support, especially during the tough times.

    Yes, three of the four coaches have never coached in the WHL before; sure two have never coached period. Don't you think it's a learning experience for them as well? They are trying to find a way to translate what they’ve learned from playing, from their personal experiences into a message for young teenage boys to understand. I think it’s fair to say that even for the regular individual, that’s not an easy task. Everyone has to start somewhere; we as a society, specifically in Canada, put hockey personnel's on a higher pedestal than others in the community, why? Simply because hockey is "our game?" Well ain't that a load of c***. When you were young and trying something new for the first time all you wanted and all you needed was for one person to give you that chance. THAT DOESN'T END WHEN YOU GROW UP. People all over the world start something new every day and each one of them can only hope for one person to give them that first chance. We all have to start somewhere, it doesn't matter how old you are, what it is or what your past entails, all you ask is for someone to believe in you. Brad believes in Drake. Brad believes in Brad. Brad believes in Mike. Brad believes in Jeff. Get off your high horse and believe in Brad and his staff. They are doing the best they can in a year in which they have five new individuals who are getting to know each other, getting to know how each other work, finding out the best way to work together and then transferring that to a group of young teenage boys who are in the stage of being willing and ready to listen, at the same time, being willing and ready to rebel. It's kind of a tough situation when you really look at it, take the names out of the equation; it's not going to be easy for anyone.

    Might we also note that the "poor" job done by the scouts in the past led to four players attending NHL development and main camps this summer, one signing an entry level contract with the Winnipeg Jets, one making the US Ivan Hlinka team, two being invited to try out for Hockey Canada's Ivan Hlinka team, one making the team and winning gold at the tournament. Scouting isn't the issue, there's a reason scouts can call themselves scouts and those of you sitting here b****ing and complaining about their doings don't.

    All I’m saying is that after the 2005 NHL lockout the Toronto Maple Leafs didn't make the playoffs until the 2012-2013 season, their fan base was still solid. Their management made mistakes, people got fired, people got hired; players came and players went. It's life, and sadly, hockey is a business. But one thing was certain, the Leafs fans spanned far and wide, from coast to coast, east to west, their fans were always there for them. Too bad the same can’t be said for the Hurricanes. A community owned team deserves community support.

    1. So you just threw Sam and Yak under the bus and then went on your own little cheerleading rant.... These are real kids with real feelings and real dreams. Shove them "aside" if you want but don't be fooled into thinking it wasn't vicious and unwarranted attack by this staff on two kids. And that it won't have repercussions for years to come.

      Bubba Gump

    2. I'm sorry Bubba, please elaborate on how this threw Sam and Yak under the bus?

    3. hey bubba your starting to sound more like a parent that a disgruntled fan...this is also a game, a business , and I can see why robson nip the dissension amongst the ranks in the bud so we don't have a whole team that doesn't like it when were not winning attitude ....sit them like Forsberg until you get what you want.....bob...

    4. When you summarily "set aside" their part in the matter you throw them under the bus, or at least out of the bus.

      When Braes and Sutter wanted out a couple of years ago things were handled differently. Braes went to a playoff team and Sutter was made team captain. Nobody wrote into the board and called them quitters. They weren't banished from the dressing room pending the trade. This situation was mishandled spectacularly by the coach and GM and the abuse by some fans is no better. They did not quit. They asked for a trade. A trade could have been made. Teams like 35 goal scorers on the roster But now with an open declaration of intent and the smearing of the players involved and the obvious toxic environment in Lethbridge, the value of the trades has disappeared or at least diminished. This just cost the Hurricanes a lot of value. I hope I'm wrong and that Robson is able to get some real value, but I'm doubting it. He'll probably get a big slow D man with cement for hands and a low draft pick and Sam and Yak will go on and score 30 goals each for their new teams. I wish them all the best just like I cheered for Braes. I want all the kids to do the best they can do. If they weren't fitting in here they could have been moved for players with a better fit, and maybe they still can be. But there was no good reason to smear them in the process.

      Here's a genuine question. When was the last time a Hurricane player was sent home for requesting a trade? It must have happened before but I don't recall it. Okay any player from any other team in the league?

      Bubba Gump

      Bubba Gump

    5. are speaking about issues that aren't public. Your personal opinions are just that, but please stop claiming them as fact. They are not. (Meaning, by saying the coaches "viciously attacked" these two players is your opinion and rumour only, not fact). Careful of which you speak.

      Empty Net

    6. Bubba, the "aside" comment was used to lead into the rest of the "cheerleading rant." A rant that looked at the organization and the community on a broader scale than on one situation, which the majority of the commentators on here seem to be basing their judgement from.

      Sam and Yak's situation was not spoken of because no one on here really knows what happened. Like Dump'n Chase said, they asked for a trade, OK, but no one knows what's going on behind those doors. Therefore, we can't be making judgments based off that situation alone, which, is exactly what is happening here. That's not fair for the coaches, the players, the organization, or the community.

    7. bubba,braes didn't ask for a trade preston ask him if I he had a problem with being traded or if he wanted to play out his career in town..get your facts straight..........bob

  12. Bubba is bang on. Players are completely frustrated and at a loss with the "system" and request a trade and the coaches/GM get sensitive and offended and send them home. How dare they want to succeed and learn? It's a real demonstration of immaturity. Good luck on the return now GM. Nice move boys. I would want out of that mess too.

    Kaos sorry for the harsh comments on the Kelowna loss comment board. Pathetic was unfair as you are obviously a child and it was mean of me to treat you that way.

    Let's pray that Maxwell, Duke, Pilon and the gang can figure out a way to pull things together before they want to jump ship.

    Wannabe Oldtimer

  13. Do any of you remember the last 4 years? This team was 22 points ahead of the Ice going into the second half of last year and missed the playoffs. These players decided to quit over the christmas break last year in hope of getting a new coach, now they got a new coach and decided to WALK OUT on the team. Some of you say they did not walk away they asked for a trade. Why would the team want them when they obviously DO NOT want to be here. TO WANNABE OLDTIMER I AM NOT SURE WHAT YOUR ISSUES ARE WITH ME BUT YOUR NAME CALLING REALLY IS CHILDISH AND PATHETIC. If our opinions differ that is fine and I am sure that you can express yours without any BS. KAOS

    1. Lol. Kaos I don't have any issues with you. Just your mindless posts. You have made some disparaging remarks against Yak and McKechnie so own up and be prepared to take criticism for it. You say the players "quit" over the Christmas break last year? That is a very ignorant thing to say. Then you say the players "WALK OUT" and put it in capitals so it looks like it must be true. They expressed a desire to be traded. They were great, solid, hard working kids. They were two of our most successful forwards. I'm not saying asking for a trade is the right or wrong thing to do but certainly if someone asks, or even demands, the team should consider it and FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE TEAM. The GM should try to get the most by shopping them around and not sending them home. Wannabe Oldtimer

  14. Wow, has this topic grown a life of its own. From reading all of the posts the only ones that make sense are Dump n' Chase and KAOS. I do not agree with all of KAOS's comments but the majority of them are spot on. KAOS is wrong in his assessment of the BOD and MR. Robson as Dump n" Chase pointed out his has a history with two NHL teams that respect him. He is here to do a job and he should be given time to do that job.

    As for McK and Yak quitting on the team. Joel Topping submitted a quote on twitter "Tough times do not last Tough people do" I guess that pretty much states what I think of McK and Yak. For what ever reason they are running out on the team we will never know but they certainly were not playing for their teammates. They have unstated motives.

    KAOS please do not fire your golf coach if you can not catch on to his system.

    A view from above.

    1. Thanks for quoting Topping's Tweet. Interesting to know what some of the other players are thinking! I don't know how it can be described as anything else except "quitting" by Yaks and Mack.

  15. Go to Toppings twitter. Topping sent his tweet on October 9 not after the 18, you have people thinking Topping is referring to Yaks and Mack

    If there are some posting on this site that are part of the team and knew that these kids were cancers, outright say it.
    Might shed some light on everything.
    If there are more issue players that are “quitters” with alternative motives that aren’t team players, let us know.
    Then we can all realize that all our problems are due to a group of spoiled, entitled, lazy, unskilled, small, heartless, unmotivated, selfish, stubborn children that frankly just don’t get it and are unable to learn a “simple system” that is rock solid.
    Let me know when the cancers are gone and I can cheer for these kids again.
    Tired of thinking these kids are a good group.
    I have zero inside knowledge of this staff or kids and base a lot of my opinions from the radio shows and watching this team.
    Fact is we have one Win. I thought I read somewhere that this is a result based business. If so, get rid of all the
    “bad kids” (Hopefully there was only two) so this staff has zero excuses and can get this team and fans some WINS.
    Don’t be scared to point out players either, the current coach’s seem to think it’s acceptable and fully understand the importance the word team.
    Long Run

  16. We have opinions without facts? That's a shocker since we are always filled in on a need to know basis. Hasn't that always how it's been? The Hurricanes have always been about controlling the message. Why would the fans deserve an explanation? That would mean the organization is being accountable. That was just lip service people. As always we need to shut up and pay for our tickets and just be thankful that we have a WHL team to pay for.
    We've never got an explanation and we never will. Never changes folks. Control the message with a two sentence explanation. That's the M.O.

    1. That's generally how most if not all junior and pro organizations work. They don't air their dirty laundry in public.
