Friday, 29 August 2014

Hurricanes Annual General Meeting Sept. 30

The Lethbridge Hurricanes have announced the date of their 29th Annual General Meeting. It'll take place Tuesday, September 30th at 7:00 pm in the Lounge at the ENMAX Centre.

A meeting of the Shareholders of the LETHBRIDGE HURRICANES HOCKEY CLUB shall be held for the purpose of:
(a) Receiving the Annual Report, Financial Statements and Report of the Auditors for the past fiscal year:
(b) Electing Directors:
(c) Appointing Auditors and authorizing the Directors to fix their remuneration;
(d) Considering and, if thought fit, approving and ratifying all acts and proceedings of the Board of Directors, and of the Officers of the Company since the last Annual Meeting of Shareholders, as set forth or described
in the Minute Books or in the Financial Statements of the Company;
(e) Transacting such other business as may properly be brought before the meeting


  1. Finally a word from the BOD on the AGM. But, although it has been sent to the media, I am wondering if the shareholders have been informed directly. (Mailout). Not all shareholders read the various blogs, check the Cane web site, read the paper or watch local news.
    They must be informed directly and be given 30 days notice. Even if the notices which are supposed to include Proxy vote forms, were put in the mail yesterday or today, the earliest possible date for delivery would be Tuesday Sept 2, which is not 30 days notice.

    Enough of that.

    I was told today by someone close to the team that Reid Duke was flown to Regina in order to join the club. If so that could create a lot of troubles within the team, depending of course how it is handled by Duke himself

    I wonder if Pat could confirm this.


  2. I am a relatively recent shareholder (12 years) and can easily say that I have never (ever) been notifed either by email, mail, or phone call, or horse drawn carriage messenger when any AGM (or other) Hurricanes meeting was going to be held.

    Best $100 I have ever spent.

    Money for Nothing

  3. Money for nothing, have you moved in those 12 years?
    Do they have your address, email, phone #?
    The Board put forth a tremendous effort a few years back to clean up the shareholdes list and did their best.
    I'm still receiving mail for people who owned our home four years ago so clearly not everyone remembers to update their info for those who want to stay in touch with us.
    Just a thought.

    1. They have it all.
      Same house I've owned since I have been here. Same house they have mailed my season ticket receipts to. They have left occasional voice messages for me about renewing season tickets, and about checking on "my Lethbridge Hurricanes Season Ticket holder hockey experience." They seem to have my email contact information also as they email me about Season or Playoff Ticket promotions and about the occasional concert and dog show they hold at the Enmax.

      Money for Nothing

    2. Have you considered calling the office to let them know the issue? Just a thought...

  4. Money for Nothing,
    Despite the fact you have not been "officially notified" it is high time to let the BOD know of your problems plus all the other things that may be on your mind. Too many shareholder do not speak up!


  5. I was in attendance at the last shareholders meeting. It was a farce in that it doesn't matter what we try and tell the BOD, they don't listen. MacNaughton acted as if he was an owner who didn't need to listen. He wouldn't answer many questions asked of him and redirected people away from their questions on several occasions. It was one of the worst examples of "not being prepared" I'd ever seen. When we asked for a list of shareholders so we could call around and gauge the desire to put the franchise up for sale, we were told we weren't allowed to have a list. The list was private. It was a meeting full of questions with few answers. Just spin.
