Tuesday, 4 April 2017

Canes This Week April 3, 2017

Another playoff edition of the Hurricanes This Week podcast, hosted by Jordan Karst taped Monday night.

As the Hurricanes get ready for a big Game 7 first round playoff series finale, Jordan welcomes to this week's program former Hurricane player & current Board Member Mike Wuchterl, Kaella Carr from CTV Lethbridge, and myself.

We have plenty to talk about on this show. I also stop by for a playoff interview with Canes Captain Tyler Wong and Joe McFarland has another audio blog.

Enjoy the show!!



  1. RE: RDR Polei Hit to the head TBD Suspension: What is WHL-Disciplinarian Doerksen waiting
    for? Is Nagel a game-time decision? If he dresses in game 7, then Polei can play, too?

    As Doerksen should already know, much of the damage caused by head trauma emerges months or even years later (He repeatedly appears to have first hand knowledge of this).

    The suspension to Polei needs to made based on review of the play, and must send an unmistakable message to sufficiently deter the player from repeating the act. Being that Polei has already been suspended twice previously since Nov, 2016, OBVIOUSLY, the length of the previous suspensions have been inadequate deterrence!

    Speaking of cowards, Bobyk could have been suspended for his intentional elbow to Menell's head in game 6 &/or for slamming the penalty box attendant's hand in the door in Lethbridge.

    With Sutter's coaching antics, it is amazing that he was able to keep it under a tri-fecta of suspensions in this series.... course its not over yet.

    Send the scowling man-child and his band of cheating hooligans back to the farm-yard, Canes!

  2. (It must really suck to be up 3 games to 1 in a series then lose)

    Congratulations Hurricanes!!! Beautiful effort against a hard working and extremely dirty team in the Rebels!

    Thank Sutter that he still had enough unsuspended morons on that team to fill the penalty box when it mattered most in game 7!

    Now that is some fantastic history just made!!

