Thursday 13 August 2009

Hurricanes Shareholders Meet "Get Out and Vote" The Message

Between 75 and 100 Lethbridge Hurricanes shareholders showed up Thursday night at Exhibition Park to talk about the team's upcoming Annual General Meeting.

Jerry Ellerman, one of the organizers of the meeting had one main message to those in attendance. He said, "It's your club and your vote so come on August 19th and vote and have your say."

That was pretty much the basis of the meeting was to get the message out to shareholders about the importance of this upcoming meeting. Ellerman told me after that from his point of view, without a doubt, this AGM is likely the most important meeting this hockey club has ever had or will ever have. Personally, I tend to agree with that. Regardless of which shareholders you want to see on the board, there's no question this meeting next Wednesday is important, but only if the shareholders come out and have a say.

The way I see it is this. All that's gone with this Hurricanes team in the off-season has shown one thing in my opinion. People in Lethbridge do give a damn and care about what happens to this team and where they want it to go regardless of who's view and who you support. I think we've seen that more in the past 3 months that in the past. That I think is a huge positive and something the fans and the board members as well as the players and staff can use moving ahead into the future. All that's taken place maybe isn't all that bad. It's got people talking and has kept the interest in this team right through the slow hockey months of summer regardless of whether you think it's negative or positive press.

Ellerman also stated to me that the biggest thing is that the Annual General Meeting be organized and constructive and open. Ellerman is also running for a board position as are 4 other men who made their intentions known Thursday evening.

A number of board members attended the shareholders meeting too, including President Bryan McNaughton.

I was unable to attend myself because of prior commitments, but was filled in by Ellerman after the meeting concluded.

The AGM is slated for Wednesday night at 7 at the Ramada. Only shareholders are allowed to attend and vote.



  1. Bryan McNaughton is crapping his pants... Since the 'Stasiuk' experiment I actually think the board has operated fantastic, but it took a public lashing by Rich Sutter to put these guys back into line. I agree with the writer and Ellerman. Get out and show the current board that this team is not theirs, its the shareholders. Hold them accountable for their actions. After the meeting and regardless of result, its time to get behind the team again and give these new hires & possible new board memebers the benefit of the doubt and the benefit of shareholder support.

  2. I do want to make it clear here that I'm not picking sides on this issue. I simply think it's important for shareholders to get out and vote regardless of who they support. Like all Hurricanes supporters, I want nothing more than to see this team succeed and be the best it can be, regardless of who's running the show.

  3. If I was a board member I'd be crapping my pants thinking that I might lose ownership in a WHL team. After all they did pay $100 to buy the club. Owning the Hurricanes is the best deal in sports. Sorry guys your time is up. Hope you got your last free leather jacket. Maybe you guys can still wear it like a person who wears his high school football jacket long after graduation. Here's to moving onward and upward. Hope to see you at the game. This time you will have to pay for your tickets.

  4. I had a friend that used to be on the board several years ago and I know for a fact that board members pay for their season tickets themselves so maybe try to get your facts straight. I don't understand what everyone is so upset about. Based on the financial success of the team and the hiring of Rich Preston....why is everyone so angry.

  5. My thought is that people are upset about how the past few years have been handled by this board until the Stasiuk era ended. Lots of unanswered questions and backroom politics. I agree that a board run team will not succeed long term. Go private as it will finally move this team forward... Price hikes and such arguements are just fear mongering. These guys are a joke but I give them some credit as they started to try to get it right mid summer after they were critisized publicly and after groups organized against them.

  6. Hold these guys accountable!!! This is your responsibility as a shareholder! Credit to the guys who actually are standing up to these bullies!

  7. What does privatization have to do with success? Doesn't seem to be helping Prince George very much!!

  8. Yeah but you don't see PG in this gong show! PG doesn't have wanna be's running the show at a $100 investment.

  9. I just think your missing the point. The $100 has nothing to do with someone's ability to run the hockey team. Maybe you should take the time and actually do some research in terms of the current boards ability to run a business. Because this is a business. And I will ask you again what makes you so accusational in terms of this team being a gong show. The head coach and GM didn't get along, both have been released. The team is in great shape going forward based on what I see.

  10. I think the team should be sold to Darryl Sutter.

  11. Can a non-shareholder attend the upcoming meeting...or will I not be allowed to enter the room??

  12. Only shareholders can attend. I'm sure there are general fans that would like to be there, but only shareholders can attend and vote.

  13. You can buy a share from the Hurricanes office for $100.
