Monday, 9 December 2013

Hurricanes Make "Special Delivery" to C.R.H.

The Lethbridge Hurricanes collected 2,317 stuffed animals during Friday night’s 18th annual Canadian Tire/Global TV Teddy Bear Toss and this morning the players made a special delivery to Chinook Regional Hospital.

Lethbridge Hurricanes Forward Russ Maxwell scored the goal that sent the stuffed animals onto the ice of the ENMAX Centre with 3:07 left in the second period of Friday’s game with Prince Albert. (The Hurricanes won the game 3-1). This morning, Maxwell, Brady Ramsay, Jamal Watson, Lenny Hackman, Riley Sheen and Josh Derko delivered the bears to a number of children in the Pediatrics Ward at the hospital.

Along with the bears going to children at Chinook Regional Hospital, bears were also distributed to the Interfaith Food Bank, Piikani Youth Centre, RCMP Victim Services Unit, the Salvation Army, Streets Alive, Blood Tribe Police, Head Dress Society and 1st Choice Savings and Credit Union on behalf of Lethbridge Family Services Angel Tree for Kids.

The Lethbridge Hurricanes thank all the fans who generously donated bears to this worthy cause.

(From Esther Madziya, Hurricanes Media Relations)


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