Friday, 31 August 2012

Old Hurricanes President is the New President

Following Monday night’s 27th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders, the new Hurricanes Board of Directors held their first meeting to elect their new executive and Committee Chairs.

Thursday night Brian McNaughton who was elected to the Board on a one-year term was named President of the hockey club. McNaughton takes the reins from Don Clark who was not seeking re-election. The other members of the Board are Adele Barrington, Herb Beswick, Rick Braden, Don Clark, Brad Cook, Herman Elfring, Dick Gibson, Randy Joevenazzo, Doug Paisley, Nick Polychronopoulos, Duane Ptycia, Kelly Shigehiro, Pat Shimbashi and Jim Whittaker.

Other business that was finalized Thursday was the selection of Board Committee and the Executive for the Lethbridge Hurricanes Board of Directors for 2012 – 2013:

President Brian McNaughton

Vice-President Brian Wichers

Secretary Dave Olson

Treasurer Don Clark

2012-2013 Board Committees:

Business Operations/Finance: Don Clark, Pat Shimbashi, Dave Olson, Jim Whittaker,
Nick Polychronopoulos

Hockey Operations: Randy Joevenazzo, Doug Paisley, Brad Cook, Brian McNaughton

Communications: Dick Gibson

Governance: Brad Cook, Brian McNaughton, Herman Elfring, Kelly Shigehiro

Onside: Brian Wichers, Randy Joevenazzo, Adele Barrington,Pat Shimbashi, Doug Paisley, Jim Whittaker, Duane Ptycia

Billet Liaison: Adele Barrington, Pat Shimbashi

ENMAX Liaison: Rick Braden, Don Clark, Brian Wichers

Hall of Fame/Alumni: Dick Gibson, Brad Cook, Nick Polychronopoulos,Duane Ptycia, Kelly Shigehiro, Brian Wichers, Herman Elfring 

It was also announced at the meeting that Herman Elfring has been re-elected as Governor of the Lethbridge Hurricanes for another three-years.
(From Esther Madziya, Hurricanes Media Relations)



  1. Brutal...If you don't learn from your mistakes you are doomed to repeat them.

    The guy BARELY gets in on a one year term, and they vote him in as president. This is the leader that has the Hurricanes in this mess to begin with.

    Private ownership is the only solution I can see as it gives a fresh start. Brian as pres fixes nothing and brings nothing to the table quite frankly.

    Officially kiss the 'Canes goodbye. Its a matter of time...But really, who is left to care with the attendance we have seen in recent years? haha

  2. Old Boys Club. Old Boys Club. When the team is either sold or moved they will sit there like every year at the AGM and blame the fans for not buying tickets to watch a bad team. Blame the shareholders for not doing more than buying shares, being season ticket holders and electing them to do a job. Blame the business community for not advertising with them, even though there is only 2700 people average every game, and the same message is heard every game to the same people. It's everyones fault but the boards.

  3. Anon 10:36
    I am wondering if this surprises you or if you had someone else in mind. I cannot say I am surprised as, after the AGM on Monday I did a little thinking about what was going to happen and continually came up with this pretty exact scenario unless someone new exhibited some very strong personality which generally doesn't happen on most boards.

    From the release, Don Clark declined to run again for the position, which OK with me as he seemed to try to deflect most of the criticisms with humor, which is fine but gets old pretty fast when things obviously are not going swimmingly. Brian Wichers or Dave Olson would simply be conduits for McNaughton anyway so might as well have him front and center if he is pulling the strings anyway.

    Rick Braden, has been in the position before and if old is new, it would be pretty much what we have now.

    Doug Paisley, Nick Polychronplous may have been good choices, both are local now and have business and hockey backgrounds but as I said before, were both just elected to the board and if either of them put up their name I would be surprised.

    From the remainder of the board, I don't know some but would have been alarmed had someone like Shimbashi gotten the position and am not sure who else could or would want to face the music that is going to happen this year in my opinion.


  4. Valid points, CD.

    Valid Points, anon 11:00am.

    So to me the solution is to get rid of the board all together and sell the team whatever way possible. The league will not let a lame duck owner come in and they will not let the team move as its key to routing in the central division and CAN make money when done correctly.

    They(board) scare people into thinking its a bad thing. When you have an owner that is customer focused, as people vote with their wallets, the product will get better. Also an owner can and realizes investment in going out of pocket to see the return down the line. This board is trying to plug the leaks on the ship and can't keep up.

    I mean on the business side of this they have hired three people in a row with NO experience in Sports Marketing or management and expect the numbers to turn positive? The only one that had that experience was the guy that was hired and left right away.

    Ultimately I am not anti-board, but I sound like it, haha. I think they have blown this thing so bad that the only way this thing will turn is a clean break and change of owner. Let someone come that can promise and deliver change and invest in the development of the product.

    Right now the board can say whatever they want, but the fanbase is shrinking when junior hockey is growing overall.

  5. I believe in public ownership don't get me wrong. The reason the team is public is becuase back in the 80's when the team left and came back a public team ment a team in lethbridge. It will always be here as long as it's publicly owned (barring they make money). A private owner could move a team anywhere and thats the big fear. If the board was making money hand over fist then I wouldn't have a problem with them, even if I didn't agree with what they were doing, but when your not making money for now 4 seasons going into 5 the problem in simple. YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOUR DOING ANYMORE! Previous boards seemed to make it work,you saw them out in the community more, auctions on the ice, pancake flips and beef on the buns on weekends ect. This current incarnation of the board (last 8 years) have turned it into a prestige club where all they want to do is raise there hands to vote and look important. That young kid at the meeting that was running hit the nail right on the head when he said the only way to fix margin problems (even on our large scale lol) is to get back to the basics and work hard. This board has hurt the team so bad the only solution is to sell the team and hope a private owner can A. Fix the problems they have caused and B. Not move the team if the going gets tough in the first 2 to 3 years.

  6. That same young kid recommended that the team cut prices, a plan which failed miserably and catastrophically last off-season.
    -- Dylan

  7. I'm talking about the kid with the last name gurr. He didnt run for the board last year, just this year.

  8. No Anon 5;26, a new owner could NOT move this team "anywhere". That's not how it works and makes NO sense whatsoever.

    I'm REALLY disappointed with this decision. How disappointing to see this face as the "new" President. The same man who brought us Lindsey Hoffer and the former golf pro as the GM before screwing up the Michael Dyck/Roy Stasiuk situation. etc. etc........sigh. Just the same old story.

    After seeing BM's face as pres, I'm beginning to agree that private ownership is the way to go. I'll be watching with interest, but again, after seeing who they voted as president and knowing he doesn't have a clue about running a junior hockey franchise, I won't be spending any money on this product. I want to see how they operate (from the front office to the ice level) first before spending any of my hard-earned money.

    The next offer from a private owner needs to be presented to the shareholders for a vote. Not like the last offer which the board unilaterally squashed without even letting the shareholders in on the proposed deal (another sign of their prestigious air).

    Heard an interview with Dwight King and Zac Boychuck today on Calgary radio (who were in Lethbridge today) and they both talked about how much they thought of Michael Dyck as their coach. Boy I miss those days! Seems he was good enough to take an underdog team to the WHL Final, but not good enough to sign to an extension. Roy Stasiuk was the problem and the board knew it, but failed miserably at solving the problem.

    I'm ready to put the AGM garbage behind me and sit back and see how the team does on the ice. But my patience is short with this group of coaches, manager and board members.

    Going to try and watch some scrimmages this weekend.

    Good luck boys. Wish you the best start to the year.


  9. Darren, I could be wrong, but I do not think the "new" president was on the board when the "golf pro" was moved into the GM's spot who in turn hired Lindsay Hofford.

    I wonder how long some fans are going to keep beating the drums on the Michael Dyck/Roy Stasiuk mess?

    Whether you disagree with what is going on, what has gone on, and what could go on or not, is high time fans moved on. But in this city that is highly unlikely.

    I am not defending the actions of the board, but keep in mind that it is a group of volunteers. They do not get any renumeration for their time and efforts and it a lot of cases regardless of how things are going, it is a thankless non-paying job. I know for a fact that the board has lost good people in the past because of the constant baggering, threats to their businessess (in that people will not do business with them).
    Every AGM, people are given the opportunity to put their names forth. The shareholders vote as they wish. There were 144 shareholders at this recent AGM, a lot of opportunity to change things. Nobody can control a 1 person 1 vote election.

    Sell the team! Only the shareholders......not the board, can make that recommendation. Under the bylaws, the board has no control over the sale of the club. They can't even throw support behind a prospective group. The final say as to a buyer and price..........the WHL.

    Private ownership certainly could change things for the better, but you can bet ticket prices will go up because they will not get the same lease agreement as a community owned team does.

    What it comes down to, its making a choice to cheer for the kids, support their efforts, and hope they are successful.

    That's why I buy a season ticket every year, and forget about all the other nonsense.


  10. can the fans move on when it's the same old set of faces running this franchise??? I bring up the old issues simply because the Board voted the same old face back as president. It's not as if the two aren't related. They are definitely connected. No ands ifs or buts about that.

    If you want to throw your hard-earned money at a hockey club run by people who don't know what they're doing, that's completely your prerogative. But it's MY prerogative to NOT support a team heading in the wrong direction. Just when I was ready to give this organization an opportunity to prove itself, they make a very bad decision, which only compounds previous decisions. The President vote was a definite step backwards in my opinion.

    I'll watch gong show from the sidelines and save my dollars for other entertainment.

    I wish the boys the best, but it starts at the top.


  11. It was Gurr who said lower prices. And since it didn't work last year, it won't work this year. I don't want a board member who thinks the problem is ticket prices when there is quantifiable evidence to the contrary.

  12. I'm Dave gurr who ran this past agm. I did not recommend nor was I the one who said to lower ticket prices. You must be thinking of the past business manager Jim Bradley as he was the one who put forth many ideas for the 25 Ann. Including the 25 percent off ticket prices. I never spoke at the agm last year nor do I think it was a good idea to give 25 percent off to season ticket holders, most of whom would have bought their season ticket packages regardless of a sale or not. What I said at the meeting and would like to thank the Ann. Above who agreeded with me about working hard and getting back to the basics, that's what it is going to take, and that is what got the hurricanes back in lethbridge in the 1980s. Thanks to all who voted for me and hope we have a better season both on and off the ice. To the person who thinks I was the one who recommended the lower ticket prices you need to get your facts straight before posting incorrect info. About someone. Dave gurr.

  13. I am pretty sure that NOT supporting this team is exactly what got it sold be moved the last time. Should a private owner come to town that you don't care for what is your answer then?? Don't support this or any other team in this town and eventually we will have none and the problem WILL be solved.

    People are putting way too much faith in league officials keeping a losing franchise in this city. We have lost a team once, and guaranteed that of it comes to that type of decision again it will be a cold day before they put another team in this city. Places like Ft Mac are salivating over situations that are happening in Lethbridge. So do your part people, quit bitching about the board and get behind our team. Otherwise you are as much a part of the problem as the board is. Once and for all realize its not ABOUT the board. Its about supporting an organization that represents our city. Deal with it.

  14. That's great, now I've got people telling me that I HAVE to spend my money on the Canes or else they will be sold and moved! Another person blaming the fans for the current predicament. The fans are the only ones who can get the Canes out of this mess?? I think you've got it backwards. I believe the line is "build it and they will come". In other words, give me a reason to go to a game!!

    My answer to your fear of the team being sold and moved is: SO BE IT!
    I'll spend my money when and where I want and there's a lot of good value elsewhere on Friday and Saturday nights than at the Enmax.

    By the way Anon 9:45pm, if you're going to be so opinionated, maybe try attaching your name to one of your messages. Otherwise, you're opinion isn't worth a lick.


  15. “SO BE IT!” Why waste your time on voicing your inconsistent options Darren? If you don’t give a lick if the Hurricanes leave this City then why waste your time on this blog? I will stay consistent with my opinion to build for a memorial cup and then we will get stability. Frankly I don’t care who owns the team as long as I can spend my hard earned money on a Friday and Saturday evening watching my Hurricanes go for it all (regardless of coach or owner). I am Not ANON 9:45 I am the “supporter” of this team and City. I’ll call myself Bubble boy and the bubble still hasn’t burst (especially when I look at Our promising youth). Have fun at home trying to come up with reasons to not support the team Darren.

  16. Darren, since you said you missed the AGM you must be a shareholder and if you are, you are EXACTLY what is wrong with this team. Buy a share and don't support the team. Sounds like a great strategy. Buy your share so you can whine about the board while doing nothing to help the team. Yours is the opinion that means squat. Don't like that I don't sign my name? Well that's MY prerogative.

  17. lol....You might be a supporter of the Canes.....or you might not. You're right, you're not Anon 9:45. You're now Anon 7:02! Congrats on that! Credible opinions aren't written by anonymous people.


  18. In many cases the schedule has a lot to do with how you fill the barn. In October we have 9 home games to four away. This is right at the height of the World Series and I am sure that if there is a good series happening then we must lose a lot of walk ups. Just befoe Christmas we have a 6 game home stand which is bad for attendance as there are lots shopping as well as the players are distracted with the break coming up right around the corner. The last 2 months of the season we have 7 home games compared to 12 on the road. When fighting for position or a playoff spot, it would be nice to be at home when it really counts. I hope next year there is a better schedule for the Hurricanes than this.

