Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Hurricanes Holding Annual General Meeting August 27, 2012

TAKE NOTICE that on Monday the 27th day of August, A.D. 2012, at the hour of 7:00pm in the evening, at the Holiday Inn (2375 Mayor Magrath Drive South), a meeting of the Shareholders of the LETHBRIDGE HURRICANES HOCKEY CLUB shall be held for the purpose of:

a) Receiving the Annual Report, Financial Statements and Report of the Auditors for the past fiscal year.
b) Electing Directors:
c) Appointing Auditors and authorizing the Directors to fix their remuneration;
d) Considering and, if thought fit, approving and ratifying all acts and proceedings of the Board of Directors, of the Company since the last Annual General Meeting of Shareholders, as set forth or described in the Minute Books or in the Financial Statements of the Company.
e) Transacting such other business as may properly be brought before the meeting.
By Order of the Board of Directors

All corporate shareholders are required to appoint a Proxy to vote on behalf of the company Shareholders wishing to be represented by a Proxy should complete the attached Proxy Form and deliver it to the offices of Davidson & Williams, 504-4th ST. S. by no later than 5pm on Monday , August 17th, 2012.


I, _______________________________ of ___________________, being a Shareholder of the
Lethbridge Hurricanes Hockey Club, hereby appoint ________________________ , as my Proxy to vote for me at the Annual General Shareholders Meeting of the LETHBRIDGE HURRICANES HOCKEY CLUB to be held on the 27th day of August 2012 and at any adjournment thereof.
DATED at the _________of_______, in the Province of _______, this _____day of __________, A.D. 2012.



  1. Where's the list of candidates? Pretty hard to vote for someone or give a proxy vote without some idea about who is running!


  2. Well Darren my name is Dave gurr and I will be running this year. If you want to get ahold of me give me a call or stop into London road market. 403 328 1751

  3. Well, Dave, maybe that is something you can and should promote now, a listing in the Herald or on the tube as to just who is running and some biographical info. One on one is nice, but to show up at an AGM and have less that an hour to figure is out is somewhat unfair. Granted you will have an opportunity to present yourself at the AGM however the "crowd" will have very little time to assess your attributes. Darren had a big point.

  4. Your bang on Darren's right and I agree also. It's not hard in todays world to send out a e-mail or post it on the website, post it in the herald ect. If I am voted on thats's going to be one of the first things I bring up, I think that's just being fair to the shareholders. Although not the full answer Darren was looking for, but I'm trying to give him and possibly yourself a oppurtinity to to talk to one of the people running. To the person that posted on August 8 I welcome you to contact me at the number above or come into the LRM to talk more about this or anything else on the hurricanes. My door is always open. Dave.

  5. Thanks for the info Dave. I will try and either call you and stop in at London Road Market. I think a phone call would be better as I don't want to interrupt your work.

    I would have to agree that the process is not an "open" one until we all show up at the meeting and then it is a rush job to figure out who to vote for. I'd like to see the Board put in a little effort in keeping the shareholders up to date. I'm on the Hurricanes email list and this notice was not sent to me via the Hurricanes front office.

    Moving forward, I'd like to see a list of candidates sent out to all the shareholders with a small bio included. That's the least the Board should be able to do. It might take a little effort, but it would give the shareholders the best idea about a person's background. Otherwise, we're voting for our friends??? That's a terrible way to run a business.

    Thanks again Dave and I'll try and give you call.


  6. Darren,
    Unless I am wrong, I believe the proxy votes are only used when a poll vote is called for. Usually the voting for board members is done by the people in attendance.

    Also your suggestion about bios for all those running is valid idea. However, there is always the nominations from the floor which means those in attendance have to make a hasty decision on them. Have you ever thought to suggest that to any of the board members?

