Friday, 27 August 2010

New ENMAX Scoreclock Heading to Lethbridge City Council

The fan experience for people attending Lethbridge Hurricane games at the ENMAX Center will be greatly enhanced next season with the addition of a video scoreboard.

Plans for the new score clock are scheduled to come before Lethbridge City Council Monday afternoon. The estimated cost for the scoreboard, video production equipment, and installation is just over 1.2 million dollars, according to the Lethbridge Council agenda. The cost will be covered in three ways: 1. Through the Enmax Center capital budget. 2. Operating reserves. 3. An agreement with the Hurricanes. The hockey club has committed $180,000 over 10 years toward the video score clock. The payments from the Hurricanes will come in the form of a $500.00 charge by the ENMAX Centre to the Canes' each time the scoreboard is used by the team.

This is information CJOC radio received from the City Council agenda given to local media late this week. Ashley Mathews, the City of Lethbridge Manager of Recreation and Culture is expected to make the presentation to Council along with new ENMAX Centre General Manager Kim Gallucci.

I don't have a picture or drawing of the score clock, but I will post one up along with some council reaction after the presentation is made on Monday. I've been told that it'll be a four-sided clock, similar to what is currently being used in Brandon and Saskatoon.


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  1. So Pat, What is the expected date that well see the new click in use?

  2. This will be the last thing to go up after the renos are done. Don't expect to see it up until late 2011 or early 2012.

  3. Hey Pat, I have an off topic question for you.
    94.5 in the hat has an iPhone app so they can enjoy tigers games from anywhere. Is there any plans for CJOC in making such an app? That would be very nice for people on the road and aren't in the area at the time, I'd never miss a Canes game again!! Love the blog. Keep up the good work Pat.


  4. Peter,
    I can tell you this. Wait a few more days! Yes, the app is on the way along with a few more new things from CJOC. That's all I can say right now but I will put the info on the blog once I get the green light. Stay tuned! It's been in the works for a while now.
