Tuesday, 28 February 2017

Hurricanes This Week Feb 27th

Another Hurricanes This Week podcast is ready for your listening pleasure.

This week, host Jordan Karst welcomes Lethbridge Hurricanes GM Peter Anholt to the show, former Lethbridge Herald Sports Editor Dylan Purcell and myself.

On the show this week is Brandon Wheat Kings radio voice Brandon Crowe, Joe McFarland stops by with another audio blog, and I have a quick interview with Hurricanes forward Jaeden Joseph.

That and more on Hurricanes This Week!



  1. Kudos to the Canes on a great game in Regina. While the play in their own end at times got a little scrambly, they bent but did not break. Stewey was very good, I hope that this is the Skinner that we get for the rest of the year, and the boys scored when the chances were there.

    I watched the game on the WHL network, and I have to say, the two goofs calling the game were the biggest bunch of homers that I have ever heard. While Forbes does have his homer moments, he is usually respectful to the opposition team and talent level. All these guys could do was talk about how bad the Pats were playing, never giving kudos to a well played road game by the opposition. It was head scratching to them how the Pats could be outshooting the Canes so badly and be losing. And, frankly, if I had to hear "The Canes got away with another one" one more time, I was going to throw a shoe through the tv. While I have certainly not been a fan of the the usual haphazard WHL officiating, it seemed that both teams were equally "getting away with another one" and it was one of the better called games I have watched.

    On the positive side, Regina has one of the absolute best video feeds on the WHL network. After watching some of the horrible feeds (see: Cranbrook) that was refreshing.

    Go Canes Go!!


  2. Absolutely incredible road trip and awesome comeback OT win in Toontown after giving up a couple soft goals in the second.

    No quit = victory. Then the stinking Tigers go ahead and lay an egg in Moose Jaw. I am now a lost fan. I want the Canes to win the division, and of course I want them to take it from the Tigers not to mention from deliverance in their stands. But then I also want the Tigers to have to drive back & forth to Manitoba to play the Wheat Kings in Dauphin, 'cause I would rather watch all the BS from Rebel's BS, and his GQ smile! (AND would likely go to Red Deer for a couple of games, too!)

    Should be a very entertaining last two games of the season against the Tigers. Could very well be for Division Title.

    Either way, Life is good for the Lethbridge Hurricanes! Great week, lads!! Enjoy the trip home!

    Rip Torn

  3. You can listen to Dustin instead of the Homers (and they are) just click away

    1. I like your thinking, Anon 03:53, tried that avenue myself. Unfortunately, the audio feeds are not synced...Oh well, at least I SAW the boys win...lol


  4. The boys really are killing it. 5 wins in 5 road games is a big deal! I agree with you though, Rip. While I would be absolutely giddy to see the Canes take the division title again by basically ripping it out of the Tigers' hands, I think I would much rather see them take on Red Deer in the first round.

    Either way, life is good on the Cane Train.

