Friday 20 August 2010

Sutter Talks About Leaving Hurricanes

A friend of mine came across this which searching the web today. It's an article from the Calgary Herald which quotes Richie Sutter regarding why he's no longer with the Lethbridge Hurricanes. Sutter is quoted in the article by Vicki Hall, “They say I have these other interests — I wonder what they might be,” Give it a read!


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  1. Hey Pat, here is a link to an interview Richie Sutter did with the Bill Watters Show on AM640 out of Toronto last night. Basically indicating the same things.

  2. Geesh....this whole Sutter thing is very confusing. So Preston says in his press release that Sutter is going to persue "other things" and wishes him well. But Sutter says he respects Preston and it has nothing to do with him and raises the question what "other things?". Ok, if it was a money issue due to budget constraints, then why would Preston not come out and say that Sutter contract has not been renewed? So is Sutter inferring that the Board told Preston what to say? Quite honestly, Rich Preston does not strike me as the kind of person who could be told what to say. deal with him on an almost daily basis, am I off base with that comment? I find it quite a coincedence that each time Sutter has been let go, that he lashes out against the club, and uses the media to do so. Rightly or wrongly, there is a pattern to Sutter's reactions. I also find it strange that Sutter would refuse to give an interview to a local tv sports broadcaster, but will talk to the Calgary Herald and a radio interview in a station in Toronto.If Sutter did not like the money he was offered last year, why take it? If he could not accept whatever he was being offered this year, then walk away without all the comments.Especially if you are trying to find a job with another hockey organization, why publicly lash out at your former employers?

    I find this whole thing very confusing, but I would bet a steak dinner that blame will all fall on the .....board!


  3. I only have one word for you, Mr. Sutter: shameless. I hope the Hurricanes organization steps forward and refutes your claim that you provided them with your "charity" last season, or your agreement with the radio host that you can't keep "prostituting yourself". One look at the payroll and expense reports will certainly prove otherwise. Some people just can't stand having their name out of the media.


  4. This could have been handled much better and the Canes should have been honest and just said given current financial constraints we chose not to extend our agreement with Rich. No matter what you may think of him he his a popular ambassador for the game and team and someone you would think you would need on our side in an attempt to win the Mem Cup bid...this makes us look bush league

  5. Well RJ, you're not off base about Rich. I've not known Rich Preston to be a pushover guy if that's what you're implying. I've got to know him well over the past year and I would say that Rich Preston likes to do things his way. That's my impression of him anyway.

  6. Anonymous at 2:56: You are assuming that the Hurricanes told Sutter there wasn't enough money and then lied to the shareholders, staff, fans and media. Did it ever occur to you that perhaps Sutter story is not 100% accurate?


  7. Once again its all about Richie Sutter. Poor Richie this, poor shafted Richie that. He should be able to get a junior job with his brother in Red Deer or at bare minimum a job with the flames. The other five are there. As to charity what a joke. Sutter was paid for his services on an amount I'm sure he would have agreed to at the time. If not he should have sought employment elsewhere. The jibberish about Robson on two salaries is just that jibberish. this is just another attempt by the same old tired group led by a few bucks that are shamelessly trying to blow the organization up at the board/management level so they can come in like shining heroes and save the day. They are all shameless. I've heard Sutter was offered a reduced role and a reduced salary with the canes, accepted it and then walked away. To be crying to media at this point is just plain garbage. Another fire storm being unleashed by those that don't and can't get their way. Time for Richie and his propagators to weigh in with the evidence. Put up the evidence or butt out.

  8. This could have been handled much better by both parties. The Canes should have been straight up and said that given the current financial contraints Sutter's contract could not be renewed....the reality is no matter what you personally think of Sutter he and is family are ambassadors for the game, and are an important part of Lethbridge hockey history, I think our ability to get the Mem Cup here in Lethbridge is far more difficult without Sutter support especially given that our competition is Sutter owned Red Deer. This is not good national press for us....TD

  9. That is exactly the point. If Sutter really cared about the Canes Memorial Cup bid he should have said nothing. The Canes can do it without him and really don't need the Sutter cache. He said nothing to the Leth Herald and I doubt that 640 in Toronto came looking for him to interview so it is obviously a set up to make the whole organization look bad and relying on the Sutter name obtain some sympathy based on suspect information. This is nothing more than a deliberate and blatant attempt to sour all and everyone on the operation of the organization.
    The Canes were straight up and it had nothing to do with loosing money. That is a red herring. I was at the AGM, one of those 98 and although the club lost money it was shown why in the handout. As usual this is all about the emotion of the Sutter connection and nothing to do with the realty and the truth of the situation. Richie has some big backers and I suspect the ultimate is to continually disparage the team, hope they go to bankruptcy or for sale and then slide in and make the deal with Sutter in charge. News flash. The team won't be for sale and won't go to bankruptcy, proven at the AGM with the handout for those who care to really read it and know what it says.
