Tuesday 17 August 2010

Hurricanes Holding A.G.M. Wednesday

The Lethbridge Hurricanes hold their Annual General Meeting Wednesday night, August 18th.

Reports will be given by Head Coach and G].M. Rich Preston as well as new Business Manager Jim Bradley. The organization's financial details from the 2009-2010 season will also be given to shareholders. The A.G.M. is set for 7 o'clock at the Ramada.

Only Hurricanes shareholders are allowed to attend.

This blog post is brought to you by www.clearlylethbridge.com.


  1. I for one am looking forward to the A.G.M. I hope some good folks will step forward and run for the board. They still need change. Someone has to stop these men from constantly hiring their friends. You would think they would have learned from the disaster they hired last year.


  2. Well I am interested to see how Mr. Bradley responds to the criticsm he has and will receive over his idea of the "hero" packages. I am a season ticket holder and when I see someone or some group being singled out as a
    "hero" and being rewarded for doing their job and therefore paying less than half of what I paid......not a good move! Also his rewarding season ticket purchases with this Callaway Golf Package (in Calgary) only caters to a handful of season ticket holders. He will have a lot of explaining to do. As for new faces on the board, that is a good thing if,,,,,,,if the are younger, have good positive ideas and the best interests of the hockey club at heart. But if their sole purpose is to "bring down the house of cards" in order to impose their own agendas; then it is back to square one again and we certainly do not want that to happen. I for one would hate to see us lose the quality professional people running the hockey operations. They are the right people to fix the hockey product.


  3. I agree with you both whole heartedly. I would hate to see the hockey operations staff compromised but I would also hate to see the office staff leave. Those are good people who practically did it all themselves last season and have now been saddled with yet another manager who knows nothing about hockey yet alone what the Hurricanes season ticket holders have supported through the years. His decisions thus far need to be answered for.

