Monday, 7 September 2009

Hockey News Ranks WHL Jerseys

The Hockey News has come out with WHL jersey rankings.

It puts the Hurricanes jersey (the one they've been using for the past few years) at number 18 out of 22 teams in the league. The WHL will unveil it's new style jersey on opening night in just over a week and as I understand it, a couple of teams including Lethbridge have made some tweaks to their logos and jerseys because of the new styles. We won't get a look at those until the new season officially kicks off.

Here is the link to the Hockey News Rankings:



  1. Hey Pat, just wondering when is the first hurricanes monday night talk show happening?

  2. I will have all the details about "Hurricanes This Week" coming up in the next few days. The first show of this season will be September 14th and the show start time will be moving to 6pm from now on. I'll have more information on the show and some of the guests over the week leading up to next Monday's first show of the season.
