Tuesday, 28 October 2008

Dick's Personal Point of View

First, let me say that I have nothing against the city of Prince George, British Columbia. It is a beautiful prosperous city located in the Northern Half of BC. The city is nestled in forests with lakes and rivers. I have had the privilege staying there a couple of nights and it is a great spot.
However, I wonder if the WHL would ever consider the relocation of the Prince George Cougars to another city?
Travelling to Prince George in the summer is fine, as long as you are adapt at dodging wildlife and the occasional stray livestock. But in the winter, it is another story. The six hour trip to Kamloops becomes a nightmare even for the most experienced bus driver.
Yes the Cougars’ closest road trip is to Kamloops which is more than 6 hours away. That means 12 hours there and back. The Cougars do have the furthest to go for a road game, with Brandon second with about a 4 1/2 hour bus ride to Regina.
One would have to feel sorry for those players and staff that must ride the bus for that long to get to a game and home again. I would also think that most players being traded would either want out of Prince George or not to be traded there……only because of the travel.
The only question is where would the WHL relocate the Cougars too? Well there is a new 5200 seat arena in Penticton but I have a feeling if the Kootenay Ice don't get the attendance they require then they may be looking at that Okanogan city as a potential new home.
The Cougars came from Vancouver Island, and there is a new rink in Victoria, but as mentioned the other night, speculation is, when Nanaimo gets a new rink, they would be first. Of course, the league would want two franchises there in order to help facilitate the high cost of ferry transportation to the island.
There will be moves in the years to come, and eventually expansion. One wonders if one of the moves that would be considered, was the relocation of the Cougars to a site that would cut down on travel time for them and all the teams that visit.
Dick Gibson is the Colour Commentator on Hurricanes radio broadcasts.

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