Currently 2 Euros are permitted to play on each of the 60 teams under the umbrella of the CHL. This means of course, that 120 Canadians are being denied the opportunity to play junior hockey.
So I have a suggestion that the CHL reduces the imports to one per team and thus opening the door for 60 Canadians.
Of course there would be the argument that by adding another 16 or 17 year old to a team would make the teams younger and lessen the on ice product. The solution to that would be not to add a 16 or 17 year old but instead allow for 4 overages rather than the current 3. This would make each team older not younger which should result in a better product on the ice.
The imports playing in the CHL are very skilled players who certainly entertain the fans. After all we need not look any further than our own Lethbridge Hurricanes, Juha Metsola and Luca Sbisa. We certainly know what they mean to our club. But their presence means two Canadians do not have the opportunity to play major junior hockey.
A few years ago Don Cherry stated that there should be no Europeans playing junior hockey in Canada. Maybe, just maybe on this occasion, Grapes was right.
Dick Gibson is the Colour Commentator on Hurricanes’ radio broadcasts.
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ReplyDeleteGood point Dick. Canadian kids for the CHL.Canadian Hockey League. But turn off the caps.
ReplyDeleteKeep them coming!
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ReplyDeleteAnother good point Dick! Your personal point of views are always entertaining!
ReplyDeletePerhaps the blogger who commented on how "innane" your post was should "edit" his own spelling first! (inane) Look it up in the dictionary. WTF! Now look who is mentally challenged!
By the way, the person who is in charge of the blog is the one who is responsible for the appearance of the blog articles.
Keep up the great work Dick!
Sorry about the "all" caps thing folks. That was my fault.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the feedback on that.
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ReplyDeleteI sense a bit of hostility.
Dick's opinion is clearly his opinion. It's clear you don't agree with him and that's fine. Not everyone is going to agree on everything. I see from previous posts on here and from other emails and calls that I've had many people do. I've asked Dick to contribute once a week to my blog to add a different perspective on things...to change it up so to speak and if it gets readers, like yourself to respond then great. That's what it's all about. No one said we all had to agree. I support Dick is his efforts as Colourman. He's very knowledgable about the game and the Canes' and has been around Lethbridge a long time. Again, you've said you've never met Dick. I've known him for well over a year now and can tell you he's a great guy and friend. To not agree with him that's you're right. I have no problem with that. Again I just ask you keep an open mind and hey, even come up to the broadcast booth sometime and say hi!
Sounds Like "WAYNE" is the stupid one here...and speaking of "stupid ramblings"....time to put a lid on it "WAYNE"!!!
ReplyDeleteAll those who truly know Dick....Respect him a great deal for his years of experience in Broadcasting and passion for the game!!!
Get a life "Wayne"!
p.s. Great Job Pat supporting Dick!!!
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ReplyDeleteAnyone you contact WAYNE will back Dick up 110% as he is nothing but highly respected in the community.
ReplyDeleteSo you and your so called friends if you even have any will most definitely be the "minority" here!
Good comeback about the "Mrs. Gibson"! Just goes to show you how stupid and ignorant you really are to put a comment like that in here!
Good Luck with your little "vendetta" against Dick! It won't go far!
p.s. perhaps you should choose another interest or sport!!!
It takes all kinds....and Wayne you have topped the "loser list"!
ReplyDeleteEveryone is entitled to their own "Personal Point of View", but that does not give you the right to "slash" him like you have on here!
Pat and Dick do an amazing job "together" on the broadcast. It wouldn't be the same without either one of them!!!!
I agree with Pat and canewatch that anyone who knows Dick highly respect him in this community. He has years of experience with hockey.
Perhaps Wayne is a bit too young and immature to realize this!!!
Again, it is a pleasure to listen to Pat and Dick on the broadcasts! They make an "amazing team"!!!
Great job guys!!!!
You suck Wayne!!!
Great Point Dick! It is always interesting to read your point of views. Great for you for pushing the "challenge" button!!!
ReplyDeleteLooking forward to hearing you and Pat on the air again soon!!!
Cheers Guys!
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ReplyDeleteWow, you people can go on forever on the same thing forever. People i have to admit that Dick can interupt or even stutter sometimes, but he makes up for that with his knowledge about hockey. And don't get all flamed up at Wayne, hello didn't pat say in a commment that everyones entitled to their own opinion. Yeesh people!!!
ReplyDeleteJust a note folks. As this is my blog I do want to encourage feedback and comments to posts, but please refrain from bad language or personal attacks. As I said earlier, people disagree with things from time to time and hey, that's life. I don't mind if people disagree, just please be cordial! Again, I hope everyone enjoys the Hurricanes info I've been putting on here. I hope it also helps in giving you the fans, another avenue to keep track of the Canes'.
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